A network telephony system is provided which enables unified messaging
services. The system generally includes at least one user agent (102,104)
operatively coupled to a data network (106) and a signalling server
operatively coupled to the data network (106). The user agents (102,104)
are telephony endpoints, such as standalone Internet telephony appliances
or personal computers with appropriate telephony software. A messaging
server (110) is provided which is operatively coupled to the data network
(106) and is responsive to the signaling server (108). The system also
includes a media server (112A,112B) which is operatively coupled to the
network and includes computer data storage media for storing message
files. The media server is responsive to the messaging server (110) and,
on occurrence of a message condition, is directly accessible to a calling
party to store a message file for subsequent retrieval by a called party.