An efficient parallel event simulation method is implemented by simulating
blocks of M edge events, where M is approximately equal to e log.sub.eN,
and N being the number of interconnected processing elements. Following a
simulation iteration, each processing element shares information with
adjacent processing elements that relates to events that the processing
elements simulated which may affect the simulation of events at the
neighbor processing elements. When the communication reveals that the
information that is shared by a neighbor processing elements is different
from the information that the processing element assumed, then the
arriving information is kept and the simulation process is repeated. In
executing the repeated simulations of a block, the same random variable
values are employed. When all of the processing elements find that the
arriving shared information is the same as the information already known
to the receiving processing element, simulation of the block ends. A new
simulation floor is ascertained, and another block of event is simulated.