Semi-integrated external cavity diode laser (ECDL) designs including
integrated structures comprising a gain section, phase control section,
and optional modulator section. Each integrated structure includes a
waveguide that passes through each of the sections. A mirror is defined
in the structure to define one end of a laser cavity. A reflective
element is disposed generally opposite a rear facet of the gain section,
forming an external cavity therebetween. A tunable filter is disposed in
the external cavity to effectuate tuning of the laser. During operation,
a modulated drive signal is provided to the phase control section. This
modulates an optical path length of the laser cavity, which produces an
intensity (amplitude) modulation in the laser output. A detector is
employed to produce a feedback signal indicative of the intensity
modulation that is used for tuning the laser in accordance with a
wavelength locking servo loop. Upon passing through the modulator
section, an optical signal is modulated with data.