A system and method for electronic purchase of prepaid telephone services
is provided. An initiating terminal receives input of a customer's
request to purchase a specified amount of prepaid telephone services and
receives input of the customer's designation of a financial account from
which to electronically debit the price of such purchase. A central
terminal receives these inputs from the initiating terminal, obtains
authorization for the request, and transmits data to the initiating
terminal for the initiating terminal to, in turn, print on a receipt and
provide to the customer. This receipt is then used instead of a telephone
card to obtain telephone services up to the specified amount. Such
receipt may also detail instructions and an authorization number, such as
a personal identification number or PIN, to initiate the pre-paid
telephone service. The system and method of the present invention also
preferably transfers the funds from the appropriate demand or credit
account to pay for the purchased telephone services. An additional,
separate Regulation E-type receipt is preferably also printed reflecting
the financial transaction.