An apparatus removes soil samples at intervals over a field of interest.
The apparatus comprises a sampling assembly (60) that rotates on a track
(32) riding on a plurality of idler wheels (29, 31). A probe (66) extends
and retracts under the action of a scissored frame assembly (70),
mechanically manipulated by passage of the scissored frame assembly (70)
along a guide assembly (108). The probe (66) is extended into the ground
and retracted on each revolution. An ejector (68) pushes soil from the
probe (66) as it passes over a hopper (88) to retain the cores. The cores
are pneumatically transferred from the hopper (88) to a plurality of
sample collection containers (126). An electronic control system uses GPS
location information to deposit collected cores in the appropriate
container (126) based upon the current location of the apparatus in the
field of interest.