The present invention comprises a method for producing microfibers and
nanofibers and further fabricating derived solid monolithic materials
having aligned uniform micro- or nanofibrils. A method for producing
fibers ranging in diameter from micrometer-sized to nanometer-sized
comprises the steps of producing an electric field and preparing a solid
precipitative reaction media wherein the media comprises at least one
chemical reactive precursor and a solvent having low electrical
conductivity and wherein a solid precipitation reaction process for
nucleation and growth of a solid phase occurs within the media. Then,
subjecting the media to the electric field to induce in-situ growth of
microfibers or nanofibers during the reaction process within the media
causing precipitative growth of solid phase particles wherein the
reaction conditions and reaction kinetics control the size, morphology
and composition of the fibers. The fibers can then be wet pressed while
under electric field into a solid monolith slab, dried and consolidated.