A dispenser assembly includes a housing having a face and an aperture that
allows adhesive bandage carrier to pass through it. The adhesive bandage
carrier comprises a longitudinally-extending carrier strip having a
plurality of longitudinally-disposed adhesive bandages removably secured
to an underlying carrier strip. The bandages are located at
pre-determined and equally-spaced intervals along the strip. At the same
intervals, the strip includes a plurality of apertures. A first edge of
the bandage overlays a portion of an aperture such that the first edge
can be easily grasped when the bandage is dispensed. The dispenser
assembly also includes a number of rotational means that serve as either
"feed" means for delivering a roll of adhesive bandage carrier from
within the container or "take-up" means for accumulating protective
material that overlays the bandage carrier. Different embodiments of the
assembly afford mechanical and electrical actuation of the dispensing