This invention relates to a tire curing system having a plurality of molds
disposed in side by side relation, transporting means for transporting
green tires to the tire curing system, loading means for loading a green
tire into a bottom mold half of one of the molds, mold closing means for
closing a top mold half over the bottom mold half, self-locking means for
locking the top mold half to the bottom mold half, curing means for
curing the green tires, mold opening means for opening the top mold half
from the bottom mold half, unloading means for unloading the cured tire
from the bottom mold half and take-away means for carrying the cured
tires away from the curing system. The loading means and the unloading
means include a movable robot and the mold closing means and the mold
opening means include a movable manipulator. The robot and the
manipulator move in straight lines.