A drum pedal assembly having a base plate with provisions to attach to a
floor surface having a forward end to be juxtaposed with a drum and an
aft end with both pedals hinged on the same base plate aft end, a pair of
posts that are affixed at the base plate forward end that are parallel
and vertical. Respective bearings, springs, drive shafts and bearing
housings supported by fittings on the housings journaled over the posts.
A similar secondary assembly placed to the right or left of the
above-mentioned, driving a single beater and two beaters driven by the
primary pedal. Independent linkages attach each pedal to its respective
beater(s). The primary pedal system causes two beaters to strike the drum
(on center) in an upstroke movement as well as a down stroke movement,
the secondary beater striking on depression of the pedal.