The present invention discloses a method for the prevention of
atherosclerosis, its genesis, progression and restenosis in human
patients undergoing treatments for arterial lesions such as PTA or
atherectomy, and which may be accompanied by stent implantation. Further,
the treatment method disclosed has applicability in all stages of
atherosclerosis in which monocytes play a role. The compound utilized in
the present method as the active agent is a 2-halo-2'-deoxyadenosine such
as 2-chloro-deoxyadenosine (2-CdA). The treatment method of the present
invention includes the administration of 14 doses of 2-CdA in the amount
of 0.12 mg/kg. One dose is given intravenously before the coronary
intervention, another is given intravenously after the intervention and
the remaining twelve doses are given subcutaneously at weekly intervals
over a subsequent three month period.