Monolithic cartridges including a plurality of nominally aligned polymer
fibers can be used as stationary phase materials for liquid
chromatography separations. Bundles of fibers are packed together so as
to form capillary channels between the fibers. Different polymer
compositions permit the "chemical tuning" of the separation process. The
fibers can be physically or chemically bonded at spaced locations
throughout the cartridge or can be packed together under pressure by use
of an encasing wrap to form the capillary channels. Use of fibers allows
a wide range of liquid flow rates with very low backpressures.
Applications in HPLC, cap-LC, prep-scale separations, analytical
separations, waste remediation/immobilization, extraction of selected
organic molecules/ions from solution, purification of liquid streams
(process waste, drinking water, pure solvents), selective extraction of
cell matter and bacteria from growth media, and immobilization of cell
matter and bacteria are envisioned.