A manned, mobile traffic enforcement platform with aimable violation
detection and documentation devices, employing digital video and still
images, incorporating contextual information as well as data input by the
system operator and driver, with numerous commercial-off-the-shelf
components and a physically integrated composite display. The mobile
enforcement platform (MEP) is operated by trained system operators,
typically sworn-officers, who apply pre-determined criteria, protocols,
procedures and routines to generate conclusive, court-acceptable
violation documentation. MEP supports detection, identification, and
documentation of violations in any lane behind or in front of the moving
MEP vehicle or from the roadside. MEP captures most types of moving
violations, including aggressive driving, in readily retrievable
documentation formatted for later mail citation and court use. MEP
increases police and court productivity, reduces police officer paperwork
and court time, increases enforcement credibility, reduces crash costs
and fatalities, improves highway safety, and augments homeland security