A method and apparatus for processing jobs on an enterprise-wide computer
system. The computer system uses a portal architecture to allow a user to
view a wide variety of content retrieved from a variety of different
computer systems. The computer system is configured such that a plurality
of users can access the system at the same time through a computer
network such as the Internet. Users may access the computer system by
using a standardized browser program, thus simplifying the user
interface. The computer system may also be connected to one or more
back-end databases that correspond to the different computer systems
within the enterprise. The computer system is configured to run
predefined jobs to process data. These jobs can perform a variety of
tasks such as retrieving data from a back-end database, preparing a
report based upon retrieved data, processing data already resident within
the portal system, or notifying a user when a particular condition occurs
within the portal system. These jobs can be executed on a predefined
schedule or on an ad-hoc basis at the request of a user. The computer
system also allows users to subscribe to the job. A user that subscribes
to a job receives a notification whenever the job is executed by the
computer system. The portal system also allows a user to configure one or
more exception conditions for a job that indicate when some element of
the output report is outside of a predefined range. A user can subscribe
to exceptions and thus be notified when an exception condition is found.