A DNA isolation method by removal of constituents, interfering with a
subsequent PCR is disclosed. According to an embodiment of the method,
all substances and method steps are fully integrated into a closed unit
(cartridge) for single use, which allows entry of a DNA-containing sample
and DNA-binding substrates are used for isolating the released DNA. In
particular, when the method is applied to DNA isolation from whole blood
by disruption of white blood cells, the reagents, required for carrying
out the cell disruption and other reactions, are stored in a form which
is stable at room temperature. For disrupting the white blood cells and
for DNA isolation, a dry stored lysis reagent is dissolved in an aqueous
solution and brought into contact with the white blood cells. The
corresponding assembly includes a unit, for housing DNA-containing
biological containers and/or reagents, whereby at least one microchannel
is provided to contain reagents, whereby the reagent is present in the
microchannel as a dry mixture with a negligible vapour pressure, which
forms a stable substance at room temperature.