A method and device for detecting an overstepping of design loads of the
fin of an aircraft. The device includes a set of information sources and
a section for determining, with the aid of information emanating from the
set of information sources, a current bending moment. The device further
includes a section for determining, with the aid of information emanating
from the set of information sources, a current twisting moment, and a
section for carrying out a comparison by comparing the pair formed by the
current bending moment and the current twisting moment with a safety
envelope representing a chart formed in a plane on the basis of pairs of
values of bending and twisting moments and defined so that, for any pair
which lies outside the safety envelope, there exists a risk of appearance
of permanent deformation on the fin. The device further includes a
section for determining whether a structural inspection of the fin has to
be performed, at least on the basis of a comparison result provided by
the comparison section.