The objective is the provision of intrusion detection sensor panels, which
when used to enclose a closed space as a closed space apparatus, protect
against the unlawful intrusion into that closed space, as well as the
removal or secretion of articles into that closed space. To achieve that
objective, the present invention provides a closed space apparatus
comprised of intrusion detection sensor panels that detect intrusions
over their entire surface. The intrusion detection sensor panels are not
merely ones which incorporate a plurality of wire or point sensors over
their surface, but they are characterized by being panels in which the
overall panel functions to detect intrusions across its entire surface
without gaps or lapses. Specifically, these surface detection function
panels can be structured so that the panel interior or the side facing
the closed space has an embedded optical fiber or fine electric wire at a
specific density, so that if a part of the panel is broken or there is an
intrusion from the outside, the severance of the optical fiber or fine
wire is detected, to thereby guard the closed space against unlawful