A barrier against soiling to the wearer, this functional, easy to use bib comprises a body made of washable, flexible, durable and non-porous material with a front and a back. The body includes two semi-circular upper sections that protect the wearer's shoulders from soiling while also securing the bib around the wearer's neck. In fastening these upper sections together, a portion of the bib body arcs outwardly to conform to the wearer's upper body. The lower body of the bib forms into a bowed pocket for catching and retaining food particles and liquid thus shielding the user from soiling. The pocket is formed firstly by folding the lowest portion of the body upwards toward the front of the bib and fastening with corresponding snaps on each side and secondly, by folding the bottom right and left corners of the pocket around to the backside of the bib and fastening to the corresponding snaps on the backside. The pocket unfastens for the purpose of wiping and/or washing once removed from the wearer. The integrity of this pocket to retain liquid and food particles is assured and maintained by the special manner in which it is constructed, folded and fastened; by eliminating any folds within the pocket itself; by eliminating any perforations caused by affixing within said pocket, and by avoiding the use of applied trim along its edges. The resulting bib with an improved pocket prevents soiling to the wearer by catching and retaining a measurable amount of food and liquid debris without leaking and is easy to clean due to the ability to unfasten the pocket.

Web www.patentalert.com

> Highly absorbent/quick drying bib

~ 00378