The present invention is directed to a functional food ingredient,
comprising; a soy protein isolate, comprising; de-oiling hexane treated
soybean flakes; heat treating the de-oiled hexane treated soybean flakes
to a hexane content of below 200 parts per million at a temperature of
from about F. to about F., wherein the soybean
flakes are from high beta conglycinin soybeans; mixing the heat treated
soybean flakes with water to form a slurry; removing fiber from the
slurry to produce a liquor; adding an acid to the liquor to produce a
precipitate of curds and a liquid of whey; separating the curds and the
whey; washing the curds with water; adjusting the pH of the washed curds
to about 7 and drying the pH adjusted material to produce a soy protein
isolate having a beta conglycinin content of from about 35% to about 85%
and a glycinin content of from about 5% to about 40%.