An apparatus and method for nondestructively acquiring images of a plant
root system is described. The apparatus includes a substrate for
supporting the plant root system, a container for holding the substrate,
an x-ray radiation source for generating x-ray radiation and directing
the radiation to pass through the plant root system, and an x-ray image
capture system for receiving the x-ray radiation having passed through
the plant root system and for generating an image of the plant root
system based on the radiation. The x-ray radiation source generates x-ray
radiation having an energy level in the range of about 8 keV to about 20
keV. In this energy range, the attenuation of the x-ray radiation due to
air is minimized and the contrast between the root system and the
container and substrate is sufficiently high to provide a resolvable
image. The substrate and container are preferably formed of materials
having a low mass density, such as less than about 3 pounds per cubic
foot, and a low x-ray mass attenuation coefficient. The low density
materials of the substrate and the container introduce comparatively low
attenuation of the x-ray radiation when compared to the attenuation
introduced by the roots, thereby enhancing the visibility of the root
system in the image.