The present invention provides block copolymers containing at least one
block of a poly(heteroaromatic) polymer and at least two blocks of a
non-conjugated polymer. The chemically different blocks of the copolymer
are covalently bonded to each other in an alternating fashion through an
appropriate linkage group. The poly(heteroaromatic) block may exist in
its neutral or oxidized form, and when in the oxidized form, it
associates with organic or inorganic counter-anions to balance the
charge. The poly(heteroaromatic) polymer is an intrinsically conducting
polymer (ICP), and when in the oxidized form it is electrically
conducting. When the ICP block or blocks of the block copolymer are in
the doped form, the block copolymer is electrically conducting.
Preferably the conducting block copolymers have conductivities in the
range 10.sup.-6-10.sup.3 S/cm. Block copolymers of this invention are
soluble or dispersible in water, one or more organic solvents, or in a
mixture thereof at a level of at least about 0.1 g/liter.