A method for providing workload information in a structured workload
information data structure format that is organized according to a
workload schema to be conducive to a given end usage of the information.
The structured workload information can be made accessible using standard
database analytical server applications to facilitate ad-hoc querying of
the structured workload information to summarize and analyze the database
workload or to facilitate exchange of workload information. A structured
workload information (SWI) is constructed according to a SWI schema to
facilitate a desired end usage of the workload information. The query
information is extracted from the workload and stored in a structured
workload information (SWI) data structure according to the schema based
on the desired end usage of the information such as ad hoc querying or
information exchange. The query information may be stored in a relational
database having query information organized as a central fact table and a
collection of hierarchical dimension tables or as an OLAP cube featuring
hierarchical dimensions that arrange the query information in dimensions
having objects ordered as a function of granularity or the information
may be stored according to an XML schema wherein units of query
information are separated by XML tags that identify a type of workload