A wireless receiver includes a local oscillator, a mixer, a band pass
filter, a DC offset determination module, a DC offset correction module,
a subtraction module, and a down converter. The local oscillator produces
a local oscillation that a mixer uses to down convert the RF information
signal to produce a Very Low Intermediate Frequency (VLIF) information
signal at a VLIF and having a DC offset. The band pass filter band pass
filters the VLIF information signal. The DC offset determination module
produces a DC offset indication for the VLIF information signal. The DC
offset correction module generates a DC offset correction based upon the
DC offset indication. The subtraction module subtracts the DC offset
correction from the VLIF information signal to substantially remove a DC
offset of the post-filtered VLIF information signal. The down converter
down converts the VLIF information signal to a baseband information
signal. In an alternate embodiment, the VLIF information signal is down
converted to baseband prior to removal of the DC offset component, which
then resides at -VLIF frequency.