The specification discloses a method for forming a packaging film.
According to the method, a packaging film base layer is provided having a
first side and a second side and formed from polymeric materials. At
least one additional layer of polymeric material is extrusion coated onto
the first side of the base layer. A heat sealable layer is applied onto
the second side of the base layer. The method also includes providing a
packaging film outer layer having a first side and a second side and
formed from polymeric materials. At least one of the outer layer first
and second sides is capable of being printed thereon and selected
packaging information is printed onto at least one side of the outer
layer. Preferably, the outer layer is reverse printed on its second side.
Finally, the method includes thermally laminating the base layer and
outer layer to one another using a combination of heat and pressure. A
packaging film and a method for packaging food products with the film are
also disclosed.