A medical system for approximating the esophageal sacs in an infant
afflicted with esophageal atresia. The medical device includes an
esophageal catheter and a gastric catheter. The distal end of the
esophageal catheter, which includes a magnetic tip, is passed through the
esophagus to the upper esophageal sac. The distal end of the gastric
catheter, which also includes a magnetic tip, is passed through a
gastrostomy and into the lower esophageal sac. The magnetic forces
created by both magnets results in approximation of the esophageal sacs.
Pressure-induced necrosis establishes a passageway between the esophageal
sacs. A stent or stent-graft can be deployed within the established
passageway to prevent re-synopsis of the esophagus.