TOF system shutter time needed to acquire image data in a time-of-flight
(TOF) system that acquires consecutive images is reduced, thus decreasing
the time in which relative motion can occur. In one embodiment, pixel
detectors are clocked with multi-phase signals and integration of the
four signals occurs simultaneously to yield four phase measurements from
four pixel detectors within a single shutter time unit. In another
embodiment, phase measurement time is reduced by a factor (1/k) by
providing super pixels whose collection region is increased by a factor
"k" relative to a normal pixel detector. Each super pixel is coupled to k
storage units and four-phase sequential signals. Alternatively, each
pixel detector can have k collector regions, k storage units, and share
common clock circuitry that generates four-phase signals. Various
embodiments can reduce the mal-effects of clock signal transients upon
signals, and can be dynamically reconfigured as required.