A photo album is edited and printed distributed over a client server
system. A server system stores low quality and high quality digital
representations of photographs. The server system sends low quality
digital representations to a client computer remote from the server
system in association with respective identifiers of the photographs. A
user edits an electronic representation of pages of the photo album at
the client computer, using an interactive display with the low quality
digital representations of interactively selected photographs. After
editing the client computer sends an editing result to the server system,
including identifiers of the selected photographs. The server system
retrieves an prints the stored high quality digital representation of the
selected photographs identified by the identifiers. The user also selects
positions of the photographs on pages, preferably using positions from
selectable templates. The client computer may also perform user selected
transformations of the photographs, transformation commands being sent to
the server system to execute corresponding transformations on the high
quality representations before printing.