A Content Provider Secure and Traceable Portal (CPSTP) facilitate secure content delivery and accounting for controlled and uncontrolled contents and for small to large content providers. The CPSTP defines security and non-repudiation of users, a secure environment for electronic signature, and trace-ability functions that are critical for commercial and financial transactions of e-Business contents on the integrated optical and wireless Internet. The CPSTP apparatus and functions facilitate and support the rapid growth in commercial and financial transactions for all wireless and wire-line devices capable of communicating on the Internet. The CPSTP functions may be used to provide secure and traceable end-to-end connections over the integrated optical and wireless Internet for all types of content configurations, including Business-to-Consumer (B2C), Business-to-Business (B2B), Consumer-to-Business (C2B), and Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C). The CPSTP couples security and trace functionality in provider's networks and traceability function is originated in the network to tag with the content as it traverse the path to the requested device.

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> Portable high speed internet access device

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