The system and software of the present invention presents a process for
translating a source palette containing TV unsafe colors into a resultant
modified palette containing only TV safe colors, while preserving the
color trends in the source palette. The software will first analyze a
source color palette to determine the TV unsafe colors contained therein.
For each TV unsafe color in the source color palette, the software
determines the closest TV safe color by selecting a TV safe color that is
the shortest Euclidean distance from the TV unsafe color. The TV unsafe
colors are substituted with the calculated TV safe colors and stored in
the resultant palette. The software will divide the color space of the
source palette into discrete regions, e.g., by Hue (H), by selecting
reference colors as the boundaries of the regions. The initially TV safe
color will then be modified in a manner similar to the modifications made
on nearby reference colors that were required to make them TV safe. The
result will be a resultant palette comprised of only TV safe colors that
maintains the color trends of the source palette when perceived by the
human eye.