The invention is a method and apparatus that, upon receipt of a Web
service deployment artifact, attempts to determine a deployment strategy
for the Web service and deploy the Web service using that strategy. The
invention stores a plurality of deployment strategies and corresponding
deployment identifiers. When it receives a deployment artifact, it checks
if it is a recognized deployment descriptor object that is registered
with it as a deployment identifier, and, if so, runs the corresponding
deployment strategy to deploy the Web service. If this scheme does not
work, it tries a second scheme in which it assumes that the artifact is a
URL or URI character string and attempts to parse the artifact to
determine the extension of the provided resource and use it as its
deployment identifier. If it determines and recognizes the extension, it
attempts to deploy the Web service utilizing the deployment strategy that
it has registered as corresponding to that extension/identifier. If that
is unsuccessful, it attempts to parse the provided resource to create a
Document Object Model (DOM) and then queries the DOM's namespace for a
deployment strategy.