An apparatus and method collects, for a community of interest, at least
one cross certificate associated with an anchor certificate issuing unit,
and obtains at least one certificate issuing unit public key and an
associated unique identifier for a cross-certified certificate issuing
unit identified by the at least one cross certificate. For example, a
certificate issuing unit, client unit, or other suitable unit, searches
for one or up to all certification authorities or certificate issuing
units that it can trust based on cross certificate chains. This is done,
for example, from a given trust anchor. The apparatus selects those
obtained certificates that satisfy, for example, some search criteria,
such as what policy must be enforced in each certificate, for example,
the allowed path length or depth that the apparatus is allowed to
evaluate, and creates a signed certificate set, such as a list of all
trusted certificate issuing units from the perspective of a given trust
anchor. Accordingly, the apparatus and method creates a signed
certificate set identifying certificate issuing units determined to be
trusted by the anchor certificate issuing unit based on the cross
certificates that the apparatus obtained. The signed certificate set
includes at least a unique identifier of each trusted certificate issuing
unit, such as the distinguished name (DN) of the certificate issuing
unit, and public key of each trusted certificate issuing unit.