A thermal management system (300) includes a first heat transfer body
(330) for providing a opposing heat flux to a localized region of
elevated heat flux residing in adjacency to a region of lesser flux, such
as on a surface (315a) of a circuit die (315) due to a integrated circuit
hot-spot (310). A contact (320 or 321) defines a thermal conduction path
for the opposing flux. A second heat transfer body (350) is in a heat
transport relationship with the first heat transfer boy (330) and a
second heat transport relationship with the region of lesser heat flux.
In such arrangement, each region of heat flux is provided a thermal
solution commensurate with the level of heat flux in the region. For
example, the opposing heat flux of an active first heat transfer body
(330), such as a thermoelectric cooler, may be provided at the hot-spot
(310), while at the same time the lesser heat flux is absorbed by a
passive second heat transfer body (350), such as a heat spreader.