A micropost microcavity device has a maximum field intensity at the center
of a high-index spacer as well as a small mode volume. The device has an
approximately half-wavelength thick low-index spacer [400] sandwiched
between two quarter wave stacks [410, 420]. The low-index spacer has a
high-index subspacer layer [470] positioned at its center. The subspacer
layer has a thickness smaller than a quarter wavelength. As a result, the
electric field intensity remains a maximum at the center of the spacer
where the high-index subspacer is positioned. A quantum dot or other
active region [480] may be embedded within the subspacer [470]. The
microcavity devices provide, for example, single photon sources, single
dot lasers, low-threshold quantum dot or quantum well lasers, or devices
for strong coupling between a single quantum dot and the cavity field
which can be used as components of photonic integrated circuits, quantum
computers, quantum networks, or quantum cryptographic systems.