The present invention relates generally to the field of frequency
modulation, and in particular to dual port frequency modulators. The
present invention provides a frequency modulator comprising a phase lock
loop circuit (108) for receiving and modulating a carrier signal
according to the low frequency component of a modulating signal, the
phase lock loop circuit comprising a voltage controlled oscillator (118)
for outputting a modulated carrier signal and a loop filter (116) for
outputting a steering voltage to the VCO, the VCO having a tank circuit
(120) comprising a voltage controlled capacitance (VAR1). The frequency
modulator also comprises an external voltage controlled capacitance (122)
which is arranged to modulate its capacitance according to a high
frequency component of the modulating signal, the second voltage
controlled capacitance being coupled to the tank circuit. The phase lock
loop circuit (108) is further arranged to modulate the steering voltage
to the VCO (118) with the high frequency component of the modulating