There is disclosed a whispering gallery oscillator for producing a low
noise microwave output signal. The whispering gallery oscillator
comprises a dielectric resonator 1 comprising paramagnetic ions 34. A
pump signal 5 is coupled by a coupler 7 to the paramagnetic ions to
excite 19 the paramagnetic ions 34. The paramagnetic ions 34 decay 17 and
thus excite a whispering gallery mode 15 of the dielectric resonator 1.
The whispering gallery mode 15 is coupled by a coupler 10 to give an
output signal 9. The whispering gallery mode 15 has a high Q
(Q.apprxeq.10.sup.7) resonance. The high Q resonance results in a
low-noise output signal 9. The paramagnetic ions 34 act as a MASER that
is distributed about the dielectric resonator 1. In some embodiments, the
whispering gallery oscillator may be locked to a frequency standard.