An security system for an enterprise network and data automates the
revision, deployment, enforcement, auditing and control of security
policies on mobile devices connected to said enterprise network, through
automated communication between a security policy server and the mobile
device. Control of the security system is centralized through
administrative control of security policies stored on the security policy
server. Automation of deployment of security policies to mobile devices
occurs through transparent background communication and transfer of
updated policies either triggered by a change in a security policy within
the central repository of security policies or upon the expiration of a
certain time period during which no policies were downloaded to the
mobile device. When the mobile device is not in compliance with a
security policy, a software security agent operating thereon limits
access to said enterprise network and enterprise data. To aid in
preventing the overwhelming of the enterprise network and the security
policy server as a result of to many synchronization communications
coming from too many mobile devices, a randomized timer is set by the
software security agent upon receipt by the mobile device of a
synchronization command from the security policy server.