Improvements in product water throughput from a reverse osmosis (RO)
membrane achieved by thinner feed spacers in the RO element (22),
enhanced recovery (ratio of permeate to feed), pressure recovery of the
retentate fluid pressure opposing the feed water pressure, and fluid
pulsing of the RO element feed stream. These features are preferably
combined to optimize the performance and cost per unit volume of water
produced. The system of the invention preferably comprises a dual head
reciprocating pump (20), an RO element (22) with a housing, and a
differential pressure activated ("DPA") valve (24). The DPA valve (24),
in combination with offsetting fluid pressures on the two pump heads (28,
30), generate energy recovery. The frequency and amplitude of the
reciprocating pump (20) create a pulse wave in the RO element (22) that
improves permeate quality and throughput. A control system preferably
monitors system parameters to optimize the reciprocating pump (20) speed
and amplitude to tune the optimal frequency and amplitude required for
maximum throughput and permeate quality from any given RO element (22)