The present invention comprises a method for processing a heavy
hydrocarbon feed including: supplying the heavy hydrocarbon feed to a
heater for heating the heavy hydrocarbon feed; supplying the heated heavy
hydrocarbon feed to an atmospheric fractionating tower for fractionating
the heated heavy hydrocarbon feed fed to the inlet of the atmospheric
fractionating tower producing light atmospheric fractions and atmospheric
bottoms; supplying the atmospheric bottoms to a further heater for
heating the atmospheric bottoms and producing heated atmospheric bottoms;
supplying the heated atmospheric bottoms to a vacuum fractionating tower
for fractionating the heated atmospheric bottoms and producing light
vacuum fractions and vacuum residue; supplying the vacuum residue to a
solvent deasphalting (SDA) unit for producing deasphalted oil (DAO) and
asphaltenes from the vacuum residue; supplying the deasphalted oil to a
deasphalted oil thermal cracker for thermally cracking the deasphalted
oil and producing a thermally cracked product which is recycled only to
the inlet of the atmospheric fractionating tower; and supplying the light
vacuum fractions to a light vacuum fraction thermal cracker for thermally
cracking the light vacuum fractions for producing a further cracked
product which is recycled only to the inlet of the atmospheric
fractionating tower.