An improved waveguide shuttle optical switch design which provides the
function of a variable optical attenuator (VOA). A small degree of
intentional misalignment of the waveguide will create different levels of
optical attenuation. By finely controlling the misalignment of a selected
switched position, a single device may be realized that will provide the
functions of both switching and attenuating or just attenuation alone.
The optical MEMS device utilizes a latching mechanism in association with
a thermal drive actuator for aligning a waveguide shuttle platform. The
integration of the switching function and the VOA function reduce the
optical loss which is otherwise unavoidable when the inevitable
alternative of a separate switch and a separate VOA must necessarily be
employed. The resultant improved device can also be applied for
correcting the difference in optical intensity created by the
manufacturing tolerances inherent in the fabrication of array waveguide