A breathing simulator for use in an evaluation test of respirators is
provided, the breathing simulator being able to simulate larger
respirations, undergoing a change neither in cycle nor in the amount of
ventilation even in a test of respirators having a high pressure drop,
able to easily generate not only such regular waveforms as a sine wave, a
rectangular wave and a triangular wave but also respiration waveforms of
workers and arbitrarily created waveforms as air waveforms, being reduced
in size and power consumption, and easy to maintenance. The breathing
simulator comprises plural air cylinders (1) for generating an air
waveform, a single electric cylinder (2) for actuating the air cylinders,
a servo controller (3) for controlling the operation of the electric
cylinder, an input/output unit (4) for recording an analog input from the
exterior and reproducing the recorded data at an arbitrary magnification,
a PC (5) for creating an arbitrary waveform, and a waveform generator 6
for outputting the created waveform.