An apparatus for interacting with a developmentally challenged individual
is set forth. The apparatus includes a user input device, a visual
display, an audio output device, and a processing system. The processing
system is connected to control the visual display, the input device, and
the audio output device and operates to display one or more photographic
images on the visual display based on a mastery level of the
developmentally challenged individual. The developmentally challenged
individual communicates by selecting one of the a predetermined
photographic images from the visual display using the user input device.
In response to this selection, the processing system controls the audio
output device to play audio vocalizations corresponding to the selected
photographic image. As the mastery level of the developmentally
challenged individual is increased, the photographic images on the visual
display may be presented in a hierarchical manner, in effect increasing
the communication vocabulary that is available to the developmentally
challenged individual. In one example, the user input device, the visual
display, the audio output device, and the processing system are
integrated with one another to form a handheld unit.