The invention relates to a method and a device for forming an image of
body structures from an image data set, notably for highlighting
potential nodular structures (KI; KA) in a lung. The problem to be solved
by the invention is to achieve automatic highlighting of potential
nodular structures in methods of this kind. This is realized in that in a
plurality of steps a binary data set is formed in which all pixels
present in the image data set are subdivided into pixels to be marked and
those not to be marked, a first filtering operation being performed in
which for each pixel (D) there is determined a distance value which
corresponds to the shortest distance between the pixel and the edge (KAG)
of the image structure (KA) in which the pixel is situated, those pixels
being selected from the binary data set whose distance value is below a
predetermined distance limit value, there being performed a second
filtering operation in which those previously selected pixels remain
selected which are directly neighbored by two pixels having a smaller
distance value in both directions of at least one straight line which
extends through the pixel, there being performed a third filtering
operation in which those previously selected pixels remain selected for
which the surrounding pixels, being situated at a distance corresponding
to the distance value of the pixel, have a distance value which is a
predetermined distance difference value smaller than the distance value
of the pixel to be tested itself, the pixels thus selected being used to
form an image in which the selected pixels are highlighted.