An x-ray fluorescence technique for detecting the level of arsenic in a
sample of water or body fluid. Arsenic and lead are expected to fluoresce
in a first energy band and lead is expected to also fluoresce separately
in a second energy band. An excitation path directs x-rays toward the
sample; a first detection path detects x-ray fluorescence of the first
energy band from the sample; and a second detection path detects x-ray
fluorescence of the second energy band from the sample. The level of
arsenic can be obtained by analyzing the x-ray fluorescence from both
detection paths, and using a constant which relates the level of lead in
the second energy band to the level of lead in the first energy band. The
excitation path and each detection path may each include a monochromating
optic to transmit the desired x-ray energy band, e.g., a doubly curved