Method and arrangement for automated control of a drive train (10) of a
land vehicle to be executed when ground conditions exist that impede the
initiation or continuation of travel of the vehicle such as being stuck
on loose or slippery ground. The automated routine induces a rocking
action in the vehicle purposed to aid in freeing the vehicle and
permitting desired travel out of the area. As an initial step of the
routine, it is determined whether such a ground condition exists. If so,
drive power is applied, via a drive train (10) of the vehicle until the
drive wheel (26, 30) bogs down or productive and continuous travel is
established in the vehicle. A rocking-back action is permitted by a
discontinuation of the drive power to the drive wheel (26, 30) of the
land vehicle until a predetermined power resumption condition occurs.
Reverse power can be optionally applied at this time. Otherwise, drive
power is reapplied to the drive wheel (26, 30) for another attempt at
forward progress. All of these actions are controlled via an automated
drive train control routine that executes the method, typically
responsive to a driver-initiated signal.