The invention relates to oscillation detection and, more particularly,
concerns a method and apparatus for identifying oscillation in a signal
due to feedback, permitting appropriate action to be taken to suppress
the oscillation. The method involves using an FFT device or similar to
convert a signal at each of a series of successive time windows into the
frequency domain, calculating, for each of a plurality of frequency
bands, the change in signal phase from a time window to a subsequent time
window, and comparing, for some or all of said frequency bands, the
results of the calculation step to one or more defined criteria to
provide a measure of whether oscillation due to feedback is present in
the signal. For additional discrimination, the change in signal amplitude
from a time window to a subsequent time window may also be calculated for
each of the frequency bands, and the result compared with one or more
further defined criteria. The invention has particular application in
hearing aid devices.