Sort-on-the-Fly/Search-on-the-Fly data retrieval or analysis provides an
intuitive mechanisms for accessing databases, allowing a user to access
or obtain information about data in the database without having to know
anything about the database structure. A user selects a desired term, and
the method or apparatus delivers all instances of the desired term, even
if a specific file or table does not contain the instance. The database
need not have a specific file (in a flat database) or a table (in a
relational database) of names. The user may specify other criteria, or
constraints to narrow the search results, or for other reasons. The
method or apparatus then conducts further analysis or searching using
this criteria and produces a second result. Further narrowing or
broadening of the process is permitted, with search-on-the-fly returning
results based on any new constraints. If the returned information would
be too large to be conveniently displayed at a terminal, the process
executes a truncation routine so that the returned data is easily