The concept of the newly developed product, Frozen Grits, is to readily provide a Conventional meal, or side dish, that has substantial serving capabilities and can be easily Obtained through effortless preparation. The product is precooked and prepackaged into Individual microwaveable bowls, or packages and come in units of four or six servings. Unlike its other frozen counterparts, Frozen Grits is designed to make preparation of a Meal more appealing and convenient to the consumer. The products formulation consists of removing the individually wrapped product from Unit, and place in microwave three minutes for preparation. Once product has reached Desired state; remove from microwave, stir, and serve. Uniquely, the product will be manufactured in a variety of bowl sizes and colors. These variations exist in order to meet needs of our targeted consumer-the general public. This product is marketable by any grocery stores.


> Animal Feed Compositions

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