The present invention provides a computing method for accounting,
comprising: (a) the first step of installing and storing spreadsheet
software capable of creating accounting screens each of which is a matrix
of cells including input setting cells and output displaying cells; (b)
the second step of storing functional formulas and/or operational
expressions for use in determining, based on numerical values entered in
the input setting cells, numerical values to be displayed in the output
displaying cells; (C) the third step of calling the accounting screens of
at least N different kinds to develop and arrange the same on the
display; (d) the fourth step of entering a given numerical value in a
predetermined input setting cell; and (e) the fifth step of performing
predetermined computations, based on the entered, given numerical value,
according to the functional formulas and/or operational expressions to
display numerical values indicative of the computation results in
predetermined output displaying cells so as to complete each of the
accounting screens.