Reference phase is a radio communication system using orthogonal M-ary
modulation is determined, so that a coherent detection system for a CDMA
radio communication system is readily achieved. The determination of
reference phase is performed by the step of determining a reference phase
in a radio communication system, which uses orthogonal M-ary codes
comprising the steps of determining the correlation values of an in-phase
component and quadrature component corresponding to respective Hadamard
matrices resulting from fast Hadamard transform or inverse Hadamard
transform of a signal, which possesses said in-phase component and
quadrature component, and which is sent from the sending end by phase
shift keying an orthogonal M-ary code computing the sum of the squares of
the respective correlation values of said in-phase component and
quadrature component and selecting either said fast Hadamard transform or
inverse Hadamard transform output, which outputs a maximum value of said
computed sum of the squares.