An application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) has a clock controller
that dynamically selects an appropriate clock frequency for a resource.
The ASIC includes a central processing unit (CPU), on-chip memory, a
memory controller controlling external memory devices, a system bus, and
various peripheral controllers. Devices that can be accessed by other
devices, such as the on-chip memory, the memory controller, and the
system bus are "resources." The devices that access the resources are
"controllers." The ASIC generates a master clock and the clock controller
derives clocks for driving the resources and controllers from the master
clock. A multiplexer (MUX) in the clock controller selects the clock that
is passed to a resource. Each controller has a request line to the clock
controller for signaling when the controller is accessing a resource. The
clock controller has a programmable register for each controller holding
a value representing the bandwidth utilization of the controller and an
adder and a frequency table. The adder sums the contents of the bandwidth
registers of the controllers that are accessing a resource. The sum is an
index to an entry in a frequency table. The value held in the frequency
table is applied to the selection inputs of the MUX to select the clock
for the resource. If no controllers are requesting access to the memory
controller, the clock controller shuts down the memory clock.
Accordingly, the clock frequency of the resource is determined by the
bandwidth utilization of the controllers requesting access to the