A method for the correction of average luminance or luminance uniformity
variations in an active-matrix OLED display, comprising: a) providing
an active-matrix OLED display; b) determining at a first time a first
offset voltage and a first gain relationship between the voltage and the
current passing through one or more light-emitting elements; c) receiving
a signal for driving the light-emitting elements after step b),
correcting the signal by employing the first offset voltage and gain
relationship values to compute a linear correction for the light-emitting
elements to form a corrected signal, and driving the display with the
corrected signal; d) determining at a time after the first time an
updated offset voltage and an updated gain relationship between the
voltage and the current passing through the light-emitting elements; and
e) receiving a signal for driving the one or more light-emitting elements
after step d), correcting the signal by employing the updated offset
voltage and gain relationship values to compute a linear correction for
the light-emitting elements to form an updated corrected signal, and
driving the display with the updated corrected signal.